Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I made a promise

I've made a promise today to my upline coach that I would not snack for two months after today.  Therefore, he took me to go get ice cream as my last hoorah.  I've lost 70 pounds so far by using in-home fitness programs like P90X, Insanity:The Asylum and Turbofire.  I've worked very long and hard to achieve this goal an lately...I've been slipping on my nutrition.  However, from now on I will be thoughtful about the foods that I put in my body.  I have a goal to lose another 30 pounds and enter the Beachbody Challenge.  This challenge gives me the opportunity to possibly win $100,000 just for making an incredible body transformation and I'm not going to sabotage not this time.  I will let be defeated and I will not let anything stand in my way.  I haven't gotten where I have in life just by sitting by and watching it happen.  I've taken control everything in my life because it was something that I wanted to happen, something that I manifested for myself.  I also make this promise to you.  I will not snack and eat junk food and jeopardize or sabotage myself and those who look to me for motivation and inspiration.  Happy healthy eating everyone!!!

Peace. Love. Fitness

Paris N Grace
Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

When motivation slips

The past couple weeks I have been fighting to force myself to work out.  Typically, I have all the energy in the world and never have to fight this lack of motivation.  I keep on trucking and pushing myself to push play and work out.  I owe a lot of my push to my upline coach and success partner Sean Black.  He keeps me going everyday and pushes me to do my best everyday.  His daily motivation keeps me going through my RevAbs workout.  I've lost 71lbs so far and have about 30 more to go, if it weren't for him I'm not quite sure where I would be with my health at this point.  Beachbody programs have also made a huge impact on my life.  P90X, Insanity, Asylum, and Turbofire have all helped me lose the weight and RevAbs is going to help me get leaned in toned.  I may not want to work out everyday and I may want to cheat on my diet but this is a lifestyle change.  This is something that I will do for the rest of my life.  To be perfectly honest, getting started with the workout may suck sometimes but I feel great during the routine and even better afterwards.  Here's to another 30lbs!!!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Staying focused on my health

I've been trying to make a commitment to myself to cut some unhealthy habits out of my life.  I'm noticing how difficult this actually is.  I have a weakness for salty snacks (chips are the snack of choice).  I wake up every morning thinking ok, this is the morning I'm going to stick to my guns and choose healthy choices.  I started this mentality on Sunday and I have snacked the last two days.  I've learned to not beat myself up about it however, failures happen and I can always reverse the next minute or the next day and make a healthier choice.  I'm going to have a good day tomorrow and not snack on chips :), I know I can do it.  Tomorrow I will get on this blog and tell the world, "I did not snack, I stuck to my guns and kept my diet healthy".  I know I can do it.  I also have a great support team through my upline coach from Beachbody and the support of the Beachbody community on the message boards and the friends I've made on Facebook.

If you are having similar issues or just want some support on your health and fitness, please feel free to contact me.  I'll be more than happy to help you through and give you advice on healthier alternatives.  I'm great at giving advice, one of these days I will learn to utilize the advice I give to others for myself heehee.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Peace. Love. Fitness

Independent Team Beachbody Coach
Paris N. Grace

Sunday, June 26, 2011

AHA momen #3...I actually am using my degree

People always ask me, "You graduated from college, why aren't you using your degree and working in retail"?  My response would always be, "There's no market for mass media arts in this town".  I would leave it at that and feel slightly bad about myself that I wasted five years in college and have nothing to show for it but a piece of paper that says "YOU GRADUATED".  It wasn't until roughly a week ago while I was at a Beachbody Coaches Summit (new product updates and training seminars) that I realized, "Hey I am using my degree".  I got my bachelors in Mass Media Arts Journalism and Communication Studies.  My job as a Team Beachbody Coach, requires that I use my communication skills and Internet savvy.  Wow, can't believe I never thought of this before.  I've been utilizing everything I learned in college towards starting my own business.  My business has been flying now, I love being my own boss.  I am meeting new people, making new connections and getting customers left and right.  My business hasn't really gone anywhere until recently because I didn't know where to start...when AHA, I had the tools all along.  This has been a great experiencing sharing my AHA moments with all of you.  I hope that some of you will be able to take a little away from this and realize that what you think you might be missing has been there the whole time :)

Peace. Love. Fitness.
Paris N. Grace
Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Thursday, June 23, 2011

AHA moment #2...I wanna be a Team Beachbody Coach

It was December of 2010 when I had AHA moment number two.  I was at work running the self check out station (hating my life btw lol) when my friend Sean who worked in the garden center called me on my work phone.  He and I were talking about the company Beachbody and the coaching opportunities.  I was very hesitant at first but realized that it was a good opportunity to save 25% on my P90X program and Shakeology (The Healthiest Meal of the Day). So I told him I'd sign up as a coach with him just to enjoy the discounts.  I was slowly starting to become obsessed with health and fitness and thought why not kind of get into the industry.  I paid no attention to the business for a couple months and just enjoyed my coach discount, which was fine to me.  Then I start hearing about all the opportunities that came with being a Beachbody Coach and I was slowly finding myself feeling left out of all the fitness fun.  I wanted more and a lot more, so I started to get a little more involved.  I found myself immersed in all that was Beachbody and had the brilliant idea that I love helping others.  I always am the one that spends the time others rather than myself and pride myself on that.  I have always enjoyed helping others and helping them achieve mental health and clarity.  I am positive and happy nearly 100% of the time and I wanted others around me to have the same outlook on life.  Then I realized I could take me caring nature one step further and go to school to become a personal trainer.  I loved fitness, health and helping seemed like the perfect combination.  I'd be crazy not to jump on this.  Thus started AHA moment #2.  I'm still in the process of finishing my certification and believe it or not, learning about the body wasn't really that hard.  I'm finding everything I'm learning so very fascinating...including the biology part of it all.  Now, I'll be able to help people in a more knowledgeable way.  It's one thing to be a Beachbody Coach but now I have smarts to back it up and prove that the programs work, I mean I did only lose 70lbs doing nothing but drinking Shakeology everyday and working out to my DVD's in my basement :) Now I only have to wait three more months before I have AHA moment number three.  Looking forward to sharing it with you tomorrow.

Peace. Love. Fitness.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

AHA moment #1...I'm fat!

I've had three AHA moments over the past three years, each one has been more eye opening than the last.  My first one came about in February of 2009.  I had graduated and been out of college for about a year with a Bachelors Degree in mass Media Arts Journalism and Communication Studies.  I had no idea what I really wanted to do with my degree because it could take me in so many directions.  The biggest obstacle that I could not hurdle over was my weight.  I felt that my weight kept me from pursuing my ultimate goals.  Working in the entertainment industry was my die hard dream but I just knew that my outward appearance would hold me back.. Instead of trying to do anything about my weight, I gave up on myself thinking that I was just going to be fat and that was who I am.  I let my weight define me, I was 23 years old weighing in at 235lbs at only five feet tall.

Around this time I had met someone at my current place of employment who has become my best friend as a result.  He is a health and fitness nut and listening to him talk at the time was quite and fitness were not words in my vocabulary.  After a few months of working with him I noticed that I had dropped 20lbs.  I secretly took in things that he said and changed my eating habits (becoming vegetarian within the last year).  That 20lbs was easy to lose, it was as if I never had it on my body.  Then Halloween was creeping around the corner (my fave holiday) and I wanted to lose some more weight to fit into a costume that I wanted to make.  He is a Team Beachbody Coach...innovators of in home fitness...creators of programs such as P90X and Insanity to name a couple.  He suggested I start out with Slim in 6 to help me lean out, burn some fat and murder some inches.  Within the first three weeks I had lost 11inches on my entire body, it was incredible and so was the feeling.  I may have only dropped a few pounds but inches are just as important.  From there I grew addicted, I wanted more...I wanted to move onto my next program.  I was ambitious, I saw Insanity in my future and I attempted it.  It was insane, hard work, painful, sweaty but I pushed through and made it a month and half into the two month program.  Still not seeing much weight loss I tried to not get discouraged.  I thought okay how about another, I soon found myself on a fitness high.  All I wanted to do was work out, seek results, change my body.  It was a high that I would never in a million years think that I would be addicted to.  Thus came about AHA moment #1...I love to workout...I'm still on my weight loss journey but proud of what I have accomplished.  I'm down 70lbs since then...weighing in at 165lbs.  I still can't believe it myself, I recognize what I've done but like some others who can relate, it's hard to imagine myself as "used to be fat".  I still struggle occasionally with not being the fat girl anymore.  People want to see my before picture and I am utterly embarrassed to show anyone.  Mentally when I look in the mirror I'm still that fat girl.  It's hard for me to see what others see but I know in time I will learn to love the new me.  I've been overweight nearly my whole life due to dramatic life changes during my childhood.  Seeing myself as being anything other than fat is new to me.  I take it one day at a time and live through my AHA moment and embrace my new found love for fitness and in home fitness programs.  I've gone on to lose this total 70lbs so far by using the following programs: Slim in 6, Insanity, P90X, Turbo Jam, TurboFire, RevAbs, Brazil Butt Lift and Insanity: The Asylum.  I would like to inspire anyone interested in making a lifestyle change such as improving your health or fitness to contact me.  If I can do can you.  Feel free to email me with any questions, I'm here to pay it forward and help anyone achieve their life goals!!!


I look forward to hearing from you.  Don't hesitate...I'm listening!