Monday, July 11, 2011

I swear I'm going to finish something

How many of you start a project based on an incredible idea, get so far into the project and then find that you have given up? I'm sure that most of you will probably raise your hand if this were in a class room setting lol.  I have done this at least a dozen times.  An endless cycle of beginning and never finishing.  I'm pretty sure that I am not doing it consciously, I soon realize after a few weeks have gone by that I have lost my dedication to the project and then I waste another week sitting, brooding, and reflecting why I am not able to finish anything.  This cycle needs to end and it needs to end today.  No ifs, ands, or buts...I am going to complete the things I want to work hard to finish.  Things I have slacked on the last couple weeks: fitness, nutrition and blogging (go figure).  It's Monday and I plan to get back on track I am not going to let myself down like I usually do.  I'm going to improve myself (I read enough personal development books I should at least start utilizing the information that I read).  Therefore, today I have worked out twice, stayed healthy on my nutrition for the day and I am currently back to blogging.  For the work that I have done I have been called a motivator and role model, people are looking up to me on a daily basis and it's about time that I show them the real role model I can be.  Being a product of the product in all aspects of my life.  I actually had a client tell me the other day that she was happy to see that I have my flaws because it showed that I was human.  She thought I was Superwoman.  I want to be that Superwoman again and show my clients and customers that anything is possible if you want to achieve it and when I am not achieving I am not showing others that anything is possible.  Getting back into my Superwoman costume :)

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